Gynzy and Predia launch educational app specially designed for Predia touchscreens

Predia and Gynzy have joined forces to develop a unique Gynzy app, specifically designed for Predia touchscreens. This app combines the trusted educational software from Gynzy with additional features that make the most of the capabilities of the Predia screens.

What does the Gynzy app for Predia touchscreens offer?

The Gynzy app for Predia provides educational software that makes lessons simpler, more interactive, and more effective. This unique version of Gynzy not only offers the trusted lessons and tools but also includes additional features fully tailored to the capabilities of the Predia screens.

De voordelen van de Gynzy-app voor Predia

  • The benefits of the Gynzy app for Predia
    The app is automatically added to existing Predia Touch Swift 4 screens and is ready to use right away.
  • Security as standard
    Developed according to the highest security standards, allowing teachers to focus fully on teaching.
  • Use your own methods
    Offers the flexibility to work with your own teaching methods.
  • Additional features specifically for Predia
    Integrate 2D and 3D shapes, interactive tools, and other features to make lessons visually appealing and engaging.
  • Internationally available
    Works across countries and aligns with international educational standards.

What is Gynzy?

Gynzy is an online platform with digital teaching tools for primary education. It offers interactive tools, ready-to-use lessons, and a digital whiteboard environment to make learning more engaging and effective. With an extensive library for maths, language, and world studies, as well as features like adaptive exercises and integration with Google Classroom, Gynzy helps teachers bring structure and customisation to their lessons.

Immediately available on the Predia Touch Swift 4

The Gynzy app is now available for Predia Touch Swift 4 screens. Through an over-the-air (OTA) update, the app is automatically added to the home screen. After a simple registration, the app can be used immediately. The license is valid for a period of five years.

A valuable addition to education

Predia views this collaboration with Gynzy as a significant step towards innovation in education. “With the Gynzy app on our touchscreens, we offer schools a powerful combination of user-friendly technology and high-quality educational software. The app perfectly meets the needs of education and supports teaching with smart, secure, and versatile software.” – Walter Tannemaat, Commercial Director, Predia.

Do you have any questions about this new app or would you like more information? Feel free to get in touch with us. We’re happy to answer your questions.

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